In my classroom, Math looks very similar to Reading. The lesson starts by deconstructing the target, so students can take ownership of what we are learning. We do a quick APK to pull in prior knowledge and get them started successfully. Through the use of varied materials, like the Smart Board, read alouds, songs, poems, etc. the concept/skill is introduced to the whole class. The class works in teacher led cooperative groups and uses Kagan structures to develop a deeper understanding of the skill. Once the concept has been practiced as a class, students work in small groups as I run instructional groups.
During the small group rotations, students practice previously learned skills, play math games for fluency of skills and content, and collaborate with one another to problem solve, synthesize and apply what they have learned.
While students rotate through their centers, I teach small differentiated Guided Math groups. During Guided Math, students are able to engage in specific skills and content at their individual instructional level. Questioning is able to be scaffolded and prepared for maximum individual student learning.
Please see the link below for a sample lesson plan that was taught in my first grade class.
Sample math lesson plan
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