
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go." ~ Dr. Seuss

Literacy is my passion. I am a firm believer that with a strong early foundation in reading and writing, we can close achievement gaps for all students. I have been lucky enough in my experience to work with some of the best teachers, literacy coaches, and administrators to increase my knowledge and implementation in the classroom. In addition,  I was awarded a "Model Literacy Classroom Award" for my implementation of a balanced literacy block in my all day kindergarten classroom.

I have always used a comprehensive literacy approach in my classroom, that includes the five domains of early literacy. I believe it is important to integrate phonics, vocabulary, phonemic awareness, comprehension, and fluency into each lesson through shared reading, and interactive read-alouds for students to truly be a part of the learning experience.  

To me, Guided Reading is key to student success! While students are rotating through vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, phonics, and phonemic awareness centers, I pull small leveled groups for direct reading instruction at their targeted instructional level. In guided reading I also incorporate a short activity for each of the five domains, focusing mostly on a targeted skill for each group depending on their level.

The students rotate through centers to practice the skills that have been taught that day, or to review skills that have been previously learned. They are fluid groups and changed regularly. Each individual group has work that is differentiated for their specific learning styles, skills to be addressed, and prior knowledge so that they are independently successful and challenged.

Literacy success is the CORE of a successful classroom! 


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